Friday, November 2, 2012

New Briefs

envelope - VOEP
automatic - AUMT
alcoholism - KHOIFM
alcoholics - KHOIKS
alcoholic  KHIOK
unanimous - NAMS
anonymous - NOMS
ceremonies  SMOENS
insanity - SNANT
sanity - SANT
exactly - EXA*KT
selfish - SFIRB
perspective  - SP*EFT
couple - K-PL
contain - KAEN
contained - KAEND
contains - KAENS
containing KAENG
container KAERN
left-hand L*ND
left-hand side L*NDZ
right-hand R*ND
right-hand side R*NDZ
tractor trailer - T*T

HA*IGHT/HA*IGHT (converts numbers to height format)
FAO*T same as above
C*AL .00 caliber (triggers decimal with caliber after (22 CA*L becomes .22 caliber)
SPA*IS - force space